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· One min read
Martin Blom

Just a patch release, but this is more than meets the eye ... By bumping Playwright to 1.17.1, this release brings Mac M1 support and multi-arch (amd64 & arm64) Docker builds!

· One min read
Martin Blom

Today, we're celebrating höstlov with a small new Ghostly release!

This is just a maintenance release that bumps Ghostly's dependencies. In particular, Playwright has been upgraded from 1.12 to 1.16, which allows it to run correctly on macOS 12.

Playwright 1.13 and later had a problem with file: URLs, which is why we have stuck with 1.12 for a while now. But that problem has finally been addressed in this Ghostly release.

· One min read
Martin Blom

Another month, another minor Ghostly release; Version 2.3 is now available!

New in this release is that

  • Events are now delivered in real-time, instead of all at once when the rendering has completed; and that
  • Some configuration options, notably logger & timeout, may now be changed per-template. This is awesome if, for instance, you have a per-request logger in your web-service, because now all Ghostly logs originating from this request can be tagged with a unique reqest ID.

· One min read
Martin Blom

Today, I'm glad to let you know that Ghostly version 2.1 has been released.

Besides some internal chores—like switching from Yarn to pnpm—this version adds an inline transform to the html-transforms pipeline (which is now implemented as a rehype pipeline). The inliner is capable of inlining CSS, JavaScript and any kind of URL by converting the linked resource to a data: URL. Any inlined resource will be processed by the pipeline before it's included into the main document.

Additonally, the default sanitizer transform (using DOMPurify), while still available, has been replaced with a much less intrusive noscript transform by default, and minimize is now based on rehype-minify instead of html-minifier.

· One min read
Martin Blom

I'm happy to announce that Ghostly v2 is now released! Version 2.0 is an substantial upgrade over last release.

Both the engine and runtime modules (now part of the Divine family of open source software) ships with full TypeScript definitions, and Ghostly is now powered by a modern browser (Chromium by default, but you can opt in to use Firefox or WebKit instead), thanks to Playwright.

The third major improvement comes in the form of attachments support. A template may now announce that it can produce any number of secondary results as part of the model initialization. For instance, a sales report template could attach the sales data as a CSV attachment, ready to be imported into a spreadsheet application for further analysis.