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Handling HTTP Requests

To serve HTTP requests, the Divine Web Service Framework starts with a WebServer, which accepts the request and delegates it to a registered WebService, possibly based on a path prefix. The service is then responsible for finding a matching WebResource based on the request path, and finally calls one of its methods, corresponding to the HTTP request method. It's also possible to intercept the request with a WebFilter, which can be used to customize both the request and the response before and after the resource handler processing.

So here is a small Hello, World-like example just to show how some these concepts fit together:

import { WebArguments, WebResource, WebServer, WebService } from '@divine/web-service';
import { html } from '@divine/x4e';
import '@divine/uri-x4e-parser'; // Activate optional XML & HTML parsers

class HelloResource implements WebResource {
static path = RegExp('');

async GET(args: WebArguments) {
const name = args.string('?name', '');

return html`<form>
What's your name? <input name=name value="${name}"> <input type=submit> <br>
${name && `Hello, ${name}!`}

(async function main() {
const service = new WebService(null).addResource(HelloResource);

console.log(`Visit me at http://localhost:3333/`);
const server = new WebServer('localhost', 3333, service);
await server.start({ waitForStop: true });

The WSF is more tailored towards building API services than serving browsers with HTML, but as you can see, it can output markup just fine too — with all parameters properly escaped, naturally.